My Name is Aaron, you can find me on social media as The Uncommitted Photographer. When I am not working I like taking photographs. I mainly shoot Wildlife, Woodland, Landscape and Street Photography.

One shutter click at a time
Photography gets me up and about exploring and seeing the world. My day job is pretty intense and I am in my office far longer than I should be during the day, so when I do go out I like to make the most of it. I really do like moody photos but also have a great appreciation for highly detailed images.
Forever spotting a photo when I don’t have my camera with me!
Improving my relationship with going outside
My Gear
I shoot on a Canon 90D and usually use my Sigma 18-35mm Art or my Sigma 150-600mm sport. Both incredible lenses. I do have an ideal kit I am working towards and if you fancy helping me towards that goal you could always buy a print! Wink wink.
To be honest, I just want to people to see things as I see them and enjoy the images I create. I do this for me and if you like what I do then that really does make me happy! If you would like one of my images printed though please do reach out to me!